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DVD Bundle
Receive a discount on all four DVDs, Vinyasa Unlocked, the Moon Sequence, the Primary Series and the Intermediate Series, plus a free copy of the audio album Sounds of Yoga. See below for individual product descriptions.
Please note: the links to each file will be sent to you via email once payment is complete, you will need to download each one to your device seperately. Each DVD also comes with another separate file: the DVD cover-art and chapter timings. The download links will expire after 14 days, so be prompt.
Includes 5 DVD files and 1 audio album
$50 download ($21 discount)
Vinyasa Unlocked
Developing the Salute to the Sun, Jumping through and Jumping back, Back bending and Inversions. Vinyasa Unlocked is a unique series of Yoga workshops that will enable you to learn and practice the different stages for graceful movements: simple and practical methods for improving Suryanamaskara through to Viparita Chakrasana.
The concept behind these techniques is to help balance flexibility and strength throughout the body. We need to develop both at the same time so that our stability and grace with all Vinyasa is improved. Just as we aim to balance the inhalation and exhalation in our practice, the masculine and feminine and the Sun and Moon, it is essential that we seek to balance these qualities at the most basic level of the body. If you can develop your strength and flexibility equally, you can also begin to balance these energies in the subtle body and spiritually.
Please note: once your order is successful, you will be sent three links for downloading: 2 DVD files, and the DVD cover-art with chapter timings. For detailed instructions for downloading refer to your device support if you have difficulty. These downloads are HD quality video files (up to 4.5GB each), it is your responsibility to be able to get the file onto your device effectively. Make sure your download speeds and space on your computer are sufficient. It is recommended that you use a direct and not wireless connection, download at non-peak times and download at a time when others in your household are not sharing the connection. The download links will expire after 14 days, so be prompt!
2 DVD set, 4 hours 24 minutes
The first DVD in this set includes great details for developing:
the Salute to the Sun
jumping throuhg and jumping back
headstand, forearm balance and handstand
back bending and drop backs
the reverse wheel or tic-tacs
See the Vinyasa Unlocked Technique PDF (eSeries) for the booklet version of this DVD.
The second DVD includes a range of supporting exercises on:
core strength,
shoulder and upper back flexibility
leg strength and front body flexibility
variations on all the Salutes, and
Nauli Kriya and the three Bandha
$18 download - 2 DVD set

Moon Sequence DVD
This DVD is the first of a series of flowing Asana practices designed by Matthew Sweeney. Chandra Krama is intended as a support to your regular weekly Yoga practice, whether it is Ashtanga Yoga, Hatha Yoga or some other style or tradition. The Moon Sequence is a gentle flowing Vinyasa form accessible for all levels. Although this sequence was originally intended for practice on the Full Moon, the New Moon and during the menstrual cycle, it is appropriate at any time for women and men. This sequence emphasizes the hips, groin, lower spine and abdomen, which will feel awake and alive after moving through the postures. It takes pressure off the neck, shoulders and wrists and is useful as a regular alternative to the intensity of traditional Ashtanga Yoga. Whether old or young, this sequence is great for any age.
Please note: once your order is successful, you will be sent two links for dowloading: 1 DVD file, and the DVD cover-art with chapter timings. For detailed instructions for downloading, refer to your device support if you have difficulty. These downloads are HD quality video files (up to 4.5GB each), it is your responsibility to be able to get the file onto your device effectively. Make sure your download speeds and space on your computer are sufficient. It is recommended that you use a direct and not wireless connection, download at non-peak times and download at a time when others in your household are not sharing the connection. The download links will expire after 14 days, so be prompt!
DVD length: 1 hour 56 minutes
$16 download

Primary Series DVD
This DVD shows both the traditional movements or Vinyasa for correct practice and a number of suitable alternatives for most of the postures. With Yoga therapy it is important to adapt the sequence to the individual rather than only adapting the individual to the practice. Adapting the practice prevents injuries and cultivates a peaceful attitude.
The Primary Series is also known as Yoga Chikitsa, or body therapy. It is the first Asana seqeunce of Ashtanga Yoga, introducing many core elements that are useful for all hatha yoga aspirants. These include Salute to the Sun, traditional standing postures and a progressive sitting posture sequence to help develop a strong and flexible body.
Please note: once your order is successful, you will be sent two links for dowloading: 1 DVD file, and the DVD cover-art with chapter timings. For detailed instructions for downloading, refer to your device support if you have difficulty. These downloads are HD quality video files (up to 4.5GB each), it is your responsibility to be able to get the file onto your device effectively. Make sure your download speeds and space on your computer are sufficient. It is recommended that you use a direct and not wireless connection, download at non-peak times and download at a time when others in your household are not sharing the connection. The download links will expire after 14 days, so be prompt!
$16 download

Intermediate Series DVD
This DVD shows the traditional movements or Vinyasa for correct practice and a number of suitable alternatives, particularly for the core postures: Pashasana, Kapotasana, Eka Pada Sirsasana, Karandavasana and more. Learning a step by step process with these difficult postures and Vinyasa is key to developing practice successfully and avoiding injury.
The Intermediate Series is also known as Nadi Shodana, or nervous system purification. The second sequence of Ashtanga Yoga expands upon the Asana and Vinyasa covered in the Primary Series, and further devolops flexibility, strength, endurance and concentration.
Please note: once your order is successful, you will be sent two links for dowloading: 1 DVD file, and the DVD cover-art with chapter timings. For detailed instructions for downloading, refer to your device support if you have difficulty. These downloads are HD quality video files (up to 4.5GB each), it is your responsibility to be able to get the file onto your device effectively. Make sure your download speeds and space on your computer are sufficient. It is recommended that you use a direct and not wireless connection, download at non-peak times and download at a time when others in your household are not sharing the connection. The download links will expire after 14 days, so be prompt!
$16 download

Sounds of Yoga
This audio album has 10 tracks of music, played in each of Matthew's DVDs. The music is flowing and harmonious, to be enjoyed while you do your asana practice. It begins with soft chanting and builds up to some dynamic instrumental pieces. You will recieve a zip file with 10 music tracks to be uploaded individually.
Duration: 1 hour 3 minutes
$5 download