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Ashtanga Yoga As It Is eBook
The complete version is now available as an eBook, a great travel buy.
This book is a comprehensive guide to the first four sequences of Ashtanga Yoga: Primary, Intermediate, Advanced A and Advanced B as taught by the late Shri Krishna Pattabhi Jois. To date this is the only book available which details all of the first four traditional sequences of Ashtanga Yoga. The third edition of Ashtanga Yoga As It Is contains an extensive range of new material, providing many relevant techniques on breathing, Asana, Bandha and Drishti. It gives insight into the practical application of Yoga philosophy including information on the Chakra, Granthi, Nadi and the Yoga sutras of Patanjali.
The photographic section of the book depicts all of the postures, movements and breaths of the first four traditional sequences. It also presents the correct Sanskrit transliterations and the traditional Vinyasa counting for every posture. Ashtanga Yoga As It Is provides an exploration of both the physical and psychological aspects of the practice. It sheds light on some core Yoga concepts and relevant self development principles. It covers the main points of the Ashtanga tradition including many previously unwritten rules advocated by Shri K. Pattabhi Jois. This is a one of a kind map to the traditional Vinyasa method.
Please note: once your order is successful, you will be sent a link for downloading. You will then need to download the file first to your computer and then sideload it onto your electronic reader. For detailed instructions, refer to your device support if you have difficulty. These downloads are .pdf files, it is your responsibility to be able to get the file onto your device effectively.
$15 download

Vinyasa Krama Mandiram eBook
New and Improved Revised Edition (with colour)
This book, Vinyāsa Krama Mandiram, just like its predecessor, Vinyāsa Krama: Five Unique Sequences, still contains five sequences, but significantly different to the original. The older VK sequences have undergone a number of refinements and upgrades, each one changing in different ways.
The first five sequences of VKM are Chandra Krama: Moon Sequence, Ātapa Krama: Sunshine Sequence, Siṁha Krama: Lion Sequence, Amāvasyā Krama: New Moon Sequence, and Mārjāra Krama: Lion Cub. Each one is designed to enhance your practice in a unique way. These sequences vary between Yin and Yang, strength and flexibility, and dynamic and relaxed. They will bring you to a natural Sattva, the rhythmic, balanced energy within each of us. These sequence are paired with detailed Prāṇāyāma Krama, of varying levels, also shared in this book. All VK practices will help guide you to deeper states of self-awareness, and are collectively taught alongside Advaita Vedanta Self-Enquiry.
Please note: once your order is successful, you will be sent a link for downloading. You will then need to download the file first to your computer and then sideload it onto your electronic reader. For detailed instructions, refer to your device support if you have difficulty. These downloads are .pdf files, it is your responsibility to be able to get the file onto your device effectively.
$15 download

Primary Series ePoster
The first series of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga - all Vinyasa are shown in an easy to see poster format - great for any yoga studio or practice space. Also known as Yoga Chikitsa, or body therapy, Primary introduces many core elements that are useful for all hatha yoga aspirants. These include Salute to the Sun, traditional standing postures and a progressive sitting posture sequence to help develop a strong and flexible body.
The posters are sold as a .pdf file. You can load them onto your device as a .pdf, convert them to another suitable file type, or have them printed - you can adjust the print size to your preference.
Poster is 102 x 72cm
$10 download

Moon Sequence ePoster
The Moon Sequence is a gentle flowing Vinyasa form accessible for all levels. This sequence emphasizes the hips, groin, lower spine and abdomen, which will feel awake and alive after moving through the postures. Chandra Krama takes pressure off the neck, shoulders and wrists and is useful as a regular alternative to the intensity of traditional Ashtanga Yoga. This sequence links asana and meditation; a beautiful practice of self acceptance. Whether old or young, this series is great for any age.
The posters are sold as a .pdf file. You can load them onto your device as a .pdf, convert them to another suitable file type, or have them printed - you can adjust the print size to your preference.
Poster is 57 x 44cm
$10 download